时间:2023-03-10 00:00:00    小编:长久的心动-









接着经过了古镇,我们现在来到就是汪湖风景区了,这是一个汪姓和胡姓的村庄。这里同样也是群山环抱。请大家随着我沿着这条石径小道再往前走一小段,你现在看到的这一条古道,就是以前通向古徽州地区的休宁县的,所以称它为“徽州大道”,它也是古时候的一条国道,所以至今在瑶里镇还可以见到清代乾隆年间设置的“徽州大路转弯”的青石路碑。至今古道上保留最完好的是一座单孔石拱桥,名叫“复原桥”,用大块麻石条砌成,距今有七八十年的历史了,只因此桥是屡毁屡修,故而得名。走上它,便可遐想起“枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯” 古诗中的意境。走过复原桥,我们现在来到的就是汪湖的原始森林区了,看到这么好的环境,可能大家会说这里过去窑炉众多,瓷业兴盛,那一定是需要耗费大量的木材吧,然而事实远非如此。各位请看这山脚下的一块石头,上面刻着一个字,有哪位朋友认识么?不知道么?其实这个字在字典上是查不到的,因为这是当地老百姓造出来的,在“罪”字上面叫了一个“山”,意思是说,破坏山林有罪。由此可见,瑶里人把保护山林看得有多么重要了吧。各位游客,接着往前走,我们现在看到的是三银圆深潭,它是位于梅岭之巅,因为有三条溪水注入其中而得名,在深潭的南面还有一座山叫高际山,那里还有一片颇为壮观的瀑布群,全场400多米,总落差就有220米,其主瀑布南山瀑布宽有20多米,落差100多米,







景德镇市位于江西省东北部,北与安徽交界,东南西三面与上饶接壤。地势周高中低,形似盆状。境内有昌江和乐安河。总面积5200多平方千米,总人口约156万。 初听“景德镇市”,大家可能会觉得很奇怪,一方面是“市”一方面又是“镇” ,这是为什么呢?因为景德镇市最初只是一个小镇,名为昌南,到了宋代瓷器烧造比较有名,赵恒景德元年用皇帝号易名为“景德镇”,新中国成立后,经国务院批准,景德镇升格为省辖市,考虑到了瓷都名城的延续,所以就没有把镇去掉。


原来景德镇还留传着这样一个真实的故事,有一个窑里佬,名叫童宾,为了解救窑工,而以身祭瓷。便跳进了烧得通红的窑里。数日后开窑,瓷器果然都烧成了,件件洁白如玉,个个端端正正。为了纪念这位献身的烧窑师傅,陶工们把他的骨灰安葬在镇里的凤凰山上,为他建了一个庙,塑了雕像,奉为“风火仙师”。 景德镇景点众多,主要有陶瓷历史博览区,高岭—瑶里风景区,浮梁古县衙,洪岩仙境风景区等。












welcome to jingdezhen! i am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. in order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me first introduce yourself!

jingdezhen has a long history and splendid culture. in the south of the yangtze river, known as the "town of jiangnan male", the history, hankou in hubei, henan and guangdong foshan immortals township as one of the four major famous town, said the state council released the first national one of 24 historical and cultural city and the national class a city opening to the outside world. special authorization approval also for the jiangxi provincial government in june 1953, it governs a counties and one city, namely, leping, the float saddle county, bead mountain, changjiang area, covers an area of 5256 square kilometers, population 1.52 million, including the urban population of more than 40.

also located in the northeast of jiangxi province, north-west border with anhui east to county, south neighbour to wannian county, west borders with boyang county, northeast anhui qimen county, southeast of wuyuan county and adjacent, is located in huangshan, yushan -odd arteries and the poyang lake plain transition zone, the east longitude 116 ° 57 '117 ° 42', north latitude 28 ° 44 '- 29 ° 56', is a subtropical monsoon climate, sufficient sunlight, within the territory of rainfall amount, temperate humid, four seasons, cascading mountains, rivers, mountain ring around the water, beautiful scenery. urban average elevation 320 meters, the annual average temperature is 17 ° c, annual rainfall of 1763.5 millimeters, the annual average sunshine hours for 20xx.8 hours.

jingdezhen is the chinese and foreign famous porcelain, porcelain making has a long history and profound culture. history records, "new smelting tao, began in the han," can be seen as early as the han dynasty began to produce ceramic. song jingde first year (1004), the imperial palace here fire imperial porcelain, "jingde year" at the bottom of all department, jingdezhen hence the name. since the yuan dynasty to ming and qing emperors to send to the jingdezhen producer court with porcelain, porcelain bureau, imperial kiln and create numerous ceramic products, especially in blue, pastel, and exquisite, color glaze four co. "mao zedong with porcelain", shanghai "apec" with porcelain and state guesthouse with porcelain and all kinds of ceramic art world. jingdezhen porcelain "white like jade, thin as paper, sound like qing, bright as a mirror" of reputation. mr guo moruo had to "the chinese to the kingdom of porcelain, porcelain industry peak is the" verse extolling jingdezhen ceramic history and splendid culture, the jingdezhen ceramic is closely linked with the world.

also the connotation is rich tourism resources, a distinct advantage. including ceramic culture, cultural landscape, ecological environment, etc., especially in the ceramic resources a distinct advantage. more than 30 have been found in the city ceramic historical sites, such as the ancient famous porcelain with raw material origin and world known as porcelain making raw material kaolin named kaolin, left ancient kiln sites, the ming and qing dynasties imperial plant site, etc., were listed as national and provincial cultural relics protection units, with worldwide influence and appeal.

also the numerous scenic spots and landscape, have retained intact ancient village, has been gloriously enrolled buildings, ancient ming and qing dynasties stage; is billed as china's second, no.1 of the float saddle county government; have a surname of ancient temple named chu qu yuan; the song mao zhu yuanzhang fights back in hiding hongta and yao xiantai, 1 fairyland, sun island, moon lake, yang fu temple, through the mountains, tsui ping lake, etc. jingdezhen is also the area where the have a glorious revolutionary tradition, and famous in adaptation of the new fourth army in the float saddle county in the town, the birthplace of gongshijun in leping the port town. in 1997, the city by the national tourism bureau and other units to promote tourism year of 97 'china national 35 ace attractions.

jingdezhen has a long history and splendid culture. in the south of the yangtze river, known as the "town of jiangnan male", the history, hankou in hubei, henan and guangdong foshan immortals township as one of the four major famous town, said the state council released the first national one of 24 historical and cultural city and the national class a city opening to the outside world. special authorization approval also for the jiangxi provincial government in june 1953, it governs a counties and one city, namely, leping, the float saddle county, bead mountain, changjiang area, covers an area of 5256 square kilometers, population 1.52 million, including the urban population of more than 40.

also located in the northeast of jiangxi province, north-west border with anhui east to county, south neighbour to wannian county, west borders with boyang county, northeast anhui qimen county, southeast of wuyuan county and adjacent, is located in huangshan, yushan -odd arteries and the poyang lake plain transition zone, the east longitude 116 ° 57 '117 ° 42', north latitude 28 ° 44 '- 29 ° 56', is a subtropical monsoon climate, sufficient sunlight, within the territory of rainfall amount, temperate humid, four seasons, cascading mountains, rivers, mountain ring around the water, beautiful scenery. urban average elevation 320 meters, the annual average temperature is 17 ° c, annual rainfall of 1763.5 millimeters, the annual average sunshine hours for 20xx.8 hours.

jingdezhen is the chinese and foreign famous porcelain, porcelain making has a long history and profound culture. history records, "new smelting tao, began in the han," can be seen as early as the han dynasty began to produce ceramic. song jingde first year (1004), the imperial palace here fire imperial porcelain, "jingde year" at the bottom of all department, jingdezhen hence the name. since the yuan dynasty to ming and qing emperors to send to the jingdezhen producer court with porcelain, porcelain bureau, imperial kiln and create numerous ceramic products, especially in blue, pastel, and exquisite, color glaze four co. "mao zedong with porcelain", shanghai "apec" with porcelain and state guesthouse with porcelain and all kinds of ceramic art world. jingdezhen porcelain "white like jade, thin as paper, sound like qing, bright as a mirror" of reputation. mr guo moruo had to "the chinese to the kingdom of porcelain, porcelain industry peak is the" verse extolling jingdezhen ceramic history and splendid culture, the jingdezhen ceramic is closely linked with the world.

also the connotation is rich tourism resources, a distinct advantage. including ceramic culture, cultural landscape, ecological environment, etc., especially in the ceramic resources a distinct advantage. more than 30 have been found in the city ceramic historical sites, such as the ancient famous porcelain with raw material origin and world known as porcelain making raw material kaolin named kaolin, left ancient kiln sites, the ming and qing dynasties imperial plant site, etc., were listed as national and provincial cultural relics protection units, with worldwide influence and appeal.

also the numerous scenic spots and landscape, have retained intact ancient village, has been gloriously enrolled buildings, ancient ming and qing dynasties stage; is billed as china's second, no.1 of the float saddle county government; have a surname of ancient temple named chu qu yuan; the song mao zhu yuanzhang fights back in hiding hongta and yao xiantai, 1 fairyland, sun island, moon lake, yang fu temple, through the mountains, tsui ping lake, etc. jingdezhen is also the area where the have a glorious revolutionary tradition, and famous in adaptation of the new fourth army in the float saddle county in the town, the birthplace of gongshijun in leping the port town. in 1997, the city by the national tourism bureau and other units to promote tourism year of 97 'china national 35 ace attractions.

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