春天是感冒,包括很多传染病的多发季节,万一得了病,如何用英语写请假条呢?请假条(written request for leave),包括病假条(note for sick leave)和事假条(leave of absence)。
to: james zhao, manager
from: kaven han, assistant
date: march 27th, 2006
subject: note for sick leave
dear zhao,i would like to know if i could ask for a sick leave for one day on march 29th.i just caught a cold, then i hope i can go to hospital that i will try my best to finish my work on march thanks.i'm looking forward to your kind answer.二、notice
july 4,2005
all postgraduates from the department of electronic engineering are requested to meet in the department’s conference room at 2:30pm on monday, july 11 to discuss next term’s international academic exchanges.三、通知
july 5,2004 dear sir,i am writing to you about a shirt which i bought from your shop while on holiday this i took it out of the bag and examined it closely,i found a large hole at the side and one button was you will realize, i was extremely upset to discover all your prices, i expect top quality!
i am returning the shirt with this letter and look forward to receiving a fuul refund of 124 faithfully,li ming
july 5,2004 dear wang ping ,i am very sorry to learn from li hong’s letter that you are must hurry and get ody in our department misses you and we all hope you will get well soon.i f i can do anything for your, please don’t hesitate to contact ,liu lin
july 5,2004 dear john,i’m terribly sorry that i failed to come yesterday.i hope that this did not mess you up completely, although i know that you had already made some special arrangements for our meeting.i’m very sorry about all that.i’m sure you’ll be sympathetic, however, when i tell you that my father is dangerously ill in a hospital, and that i found it impossible for me to leave him when he is in that state.i hope you will accept my sincere ,liu lin
july 5,2004dear en,i must write and thank your for your kindness to me personally on my visitto your university earlier this month.i am very grateful for the time you spent answering my somewhat persistent questions, and the trouble you went to, to make my stay in your university as interesting as fact, i can assure you those two days were the highlight of my trip to your very sincerely,george finlay
july 7, 2004 dear ,i have the pleasure of introducing to you , a good friend of is
going to spend some days in your assistance you may give him will be gregarded as a personal favor by me./
your,chao xiao
july 7, 2004 to lewis,i.o.u.(one hundred s to be paid back within one year from this date with interest at 6% per ming
received from the chemical department the sum of seven hundred yuan(rmb), being my salary for the month of march, johns
date : mon, 22 nov 1999806:09:38
fom: grgla borg