束河古镇处于丽江所有景区的核心部位,是游览丽江古城、玉龙雪山、泸沽湖、长江第一湾和三江并流风景区的枢纽点。从丽江古城往北,沿中济海东侧的大路程行约四公里,便见两边山脚下一片密集的村落,这就是被称为清泉之乡的束河古镇 。当年徐霞客游芝山解脱林时,曾走过此道,在他的记述中这样写道:"过一枯涧石桥,西瞻中海,柳暗波萦,有大聚落临其上,是为十和院"。"十和"即今 束河古镇之古称。
束河坐东朝西,背风向阳,村后山林为玉龙山南下之余脉,山形秀丽,植被茂密,白沙岩脚院有凤凰山,为丽江木氏发祥之地,至束河山形再变,呈祥瑞之象,堪舆家称为“丹凤含书之地”, 预言文化昌盛,兴旺发达。
lanzhou, the capital city of gansu province, is the central city andtransportation hub in northwest china. it is the headquarters of lanzhoumilitary region, one of china's seven major military regions, and theheadquarters of lanzhou railway bureau, one of china's 18 railway nded by mountains in the north and south of the city, the east and westyellow river pass through the city. it has the characteristics of a belt basincity. it is located in the upper reaches of the yellow river and has a moderatetemperate continental climate. the annual average precipitation is 360mm, theannual average temperature is 9.3 ℃, the annual average sunshine hours is 2446hours, and the frost free period is more than 180 days. lanzhou is the onlyprovincial capital city where the yellow river passes through the center of theurban area. the urban area is close to mountains and rivers, and the mountainsare still, forming a unique and beautiful urban landscape. north and southmountains face each other, and the east and west yellow river passes through thecity, winding more than 100 li.
geography and climate
lanzhou [1] is located at 36 ° 03 n, 103 ° 40 'e, which is the closest tothe capital of the other four provinces (autonomous regions) in northwest and south of the city, surrounded by mountains, east and west of theyellow river, pillow mountain with river, mountain and water, with an averagealtitude of 1500 meters, with the characteristics of a basin city.
lanzhou is located in the inland, with obvious continental characteristics,belonging to temperate continental climate. it is characterized by lessprecipitation, more sunshine, great light energy potential, dry climate, largeannual and daily temperature difference, slightly hot in summer, with thehighest temperature of about 30 ℃, cold but not extremely cold in winter, andthe lowest temperature of about minus 10 ℃. the annual sunshine hours are 2600hours, the frost free period is 180 days, and the annual average precipitationis 250-350 mm, mainly concentrated in june to september. the annual averagetemperature is 9.3 ℃.
natural resources
at present, there are 156 kinds of deposits, occurrences and 35 kinds ofminerals in lanzhou. there are relatively rich non-metallic minerals, includinglimestone, flux dolomite, flux quartzite, ferrosilicon quartzite and refractoryclay. among them, the reserves of quartzite are concentrated, and thetransportation reserves reach 300 million tons, which provides sufficientreserve resources for ferrosilicon industry. the coal reserves are 905 milliontons. the main mining areas are yaojie and agan mines, which basically meet therecent requirements of lanzhou. there are 8 cascade hydropower stations fromjishixia to heishanxia in the upper reaches of the yellow river. in addition,huangshui river and its tributary datong river can also be developed.
the water resources in lanzhou city are lower than the national averagelevel, but the inflow water resources are rich. the inflow of the yellow riverand its tributaries huangshui and datong river running through the city is 33.7billion cubic meters, and the water volume is stable. there is no freezing ineach season, and the sediment content is small, which can meet the needs ofurban industrial and agricultural water and living water. according to thepreliminary survey, the annual groundwater in the city is 960 million cubicmeters.
there are 182550 hectares of forestry land in the city, accounting for13.46% of the total area, including 90157 hectares of forest vacant land, withgreat potential for further afforestation. the natural grassland area is 770000hectares. wild animal and plant resources are also abundant. there are about 600species of wild plants, and 40% of them have obvious economic value. gansu'sfamous traditional chinese medicines, such as licorice, angelica, codonopsis,ephedra, gentiana, podophyllum, zushima, are distributed in lanzhou. there are187 kinds of wild animals, and the rare animals are: black stork, tibetan snowchicken, leopard, blue eared pheasant, etc.
the land area of the city is 1.353 million hectares. among them, there are219000 hectares of cultivated land, 765000 hectares of woodland, 765000 hectaresof pasture land, and nearly 235000 hectares of unused wasteland, saline alkaliland and sandy land. land resources can be divided into three types, namely: lowmountain forest and pastoral areas, located in the west, southwest and south oflanzhou; river valley, sichuan and chinese taiwan vegetable and fruit areas, located inthe river valley terraces; low mountain and hilly grain and oil areas,distributed in the north mountain of yuzhong, northwest of gaolan county, andqinzhengchuan of yongdeng county. the complex and diverse land types aresuitable for the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry,sideline and fishery, with great development potential.
population of lanzhou
according to the main data bulletin of the sixth national census of lanzhouin 20__, the city's permanent population is 3616163. in 20__, the city'spermanent population has 1112369 households, with 3138817 households. theaverage population of each household is 2.82. among the city's permanentpopulation, the male population is 1849809, accounting for 51.15%, and thefemale population is 1766354, accounting for 48.85%. the sex ratio of population(100 females, male to female ratio) decreased from 108.56 in the fifth nationalcensus in 20__ to 104.72.
administrative division
as of may 31, 20__, lanzhou has jurisdiction over 5 municipal districts and3 counties.
lanzhou covers an area of 13271 square kilometers and has a permanentresident population of 3.6161 million (according to the sixth census in november20__).
chengguan district covers an area of 220 square kilometers and has apopulation of 1278700. most of the provincial and municipal administrative unitsare located in chengguan district. it is the best district in the whole provinceand the whole city, and one of the four core areas of lanzhou.
qilihe district covers an area of 397 square kilometers and has apopulation of 561000. there are many old state-owned enterprises and developedcommerce and trade. it is one of the four core areas of lanzhou city.
xigu district covers an area of 385 square kilometers and has a populationof 364000. petrochina lanzhou petrochemical, the largest petrochemicalenterprise in central and western china, is one of the core areas of four citiesin lanzhou.
anning district covers an area of 86 square kilometers and has a populationof 288500. it is the location of national lanzhou economic and technologicaldevelopment zone, where colleges and universities gather. it is the science andeducation district of lanzhou, the future administrative center of lanzhou city,and one of the four core areas of lanzhou city.
honggu district covers an area of 575 square kilometers and has apopulation of 136100. baiyin district has become the only outer suburb oflanzhou after the establishment of baiyin city.
yongdeng county covers an area of 6090 square kilometers and has apopulation of 500000. the county people's government is located in chengguantown. qinwangchuan in the territory is the main battlefield of "lanzhou newarea", with great development prospects.
gaolan county covers an area of 2556 square kilometers and has a populationof 131800. the county people's government is located in shidong town. lanzhoubaiyin metropolitan area and lanzhou baiyin economic zone are the connectingzone of the two cities.
yuzhong county covers an area of 3362 square kilometers and has apopulation of 437100. the county people's government is located in chengguantown. the east gate of lanzhou city is the main area for the future developmentof the state-level lanzhou high tech development zone. plateau summer cuisine isthe signboard and characteristic industry of yuzhong.