时间:2023-03-11 00:00:00    小编:我大侄子呢



















导游词与名山胜景,犹如画龙的点睛之笔,面对九华山这样一座千古名山,一篇好的导游词可以帮助你倾听它历史的回音,追寻它文化的源流,聆听它美妙的传说;可以引领你寻访名士的踪迹,体味佛门的幽深,感受肉身的传奇、。总之,,好的 导游词就像窗口和桥梁,通过它,可以增强你的游兴,引导你走进九华山去观光、探胜。























九华山 ,是首批国家重点风景名胜区,著名的游览避暑胜地,现为国家5a级旅游区、全国文明风景旅游区示范点,与山西五台山、浙江普陀山、四川峨眉山并称为中国佛教四大名山,是“地狱未空誓不成佛,众生度尽方证菩提”的大愿地藏王菩萨道场。

九华山古称陵阳山、九子山,因有九峰形似莲花,唐天宝年间(742?756)改名九华山。为皖南斜列的三大山系(黄山、九华山、天目山)之一。位于安徽省池州市青阳县境内,西北隔长江与天柱山相望,东南越太平湖与黄山同辉,是安徽“两山一湖 ”(黄山、九华山、太平湖)黄金旅游区的北部主入口、主景区。方圆120 公里,总面积334平方公里,最高峰海拔1342米,中心位置九华街地理坐标为东经 117°,北纬30°。











九华山 ,是首批国家重点风景名胜区,著名的游览避暑胜地,现为国家5a级旅游区、全国文明风景旅游区示范点,与山西五台山、浙江普陀山、四川峨眉山并称为中国佛教四大名山,是“地狱未空誓不成佛,众生度尽方证菩提”的大愿地藏王菩萨道场。

九华山古称陵阳山、九子山,因有九峰形似莲花,唐天宝年间(742?756)改名九华山。为皖南斜列的三大山系(黄山、九华山、天目山)之一。位于安徽省池州市青阳县境内,西北隔长江与天柱山相望,东南越太平湖与黄山同辉,是安徽“两山一湖 ”(黄山、九华山、太平湖)黄金旅游区的北部主入口、主景区。方圆120 公里,总面积334平方公里,最高峰海拔1342米,中心位置九华街地理坐标为东经 117°,北纬30°。












jiuhua mountain is one of the four famous buddhist mountains in china andone of the first batch of national key scenic spots. it is one of the threemajor mountain systems (huangshan, jiuhua, tianmu and baiji) in southern d in the southeast of chizhou city, anhui province, it faces tianzhumountain across the yangtze river in the northwest and taiping lake andhuangshan mountain in the southeast. it is the main entrance and scenic area inthe north of the golden tourist area of "two mountains and one lake" (huangshan,jiuhua mountain and taiping lake) in anhui province. the scenic area covers anarea of 120 square kilometers and the protection area is 174 square geographical coordinates of jiuhua street are 117 ° 8 ′ e and 30 ° 5 ′ it is a national aaaa tourist area and a demonstration site of nationalcivilized scenic tourist area, known as an international buddhist taoisttemple

1. picturesque scenery and famous mountains

jiuhua mountain is famous for its wonderful natural scenery. in thesouthern dynasties, the mountains were so beautiful that they were higher thanthe clouds, and the peaks were so strange that there were nine of them, so theywere called jiuzi mountain. when li bai visited the mountains in the tangdynasty, he saw the nine peaks like lotus flowers, and wrote the verses of "thewonderful is divided into two parts, the lingshan opens the nine flowers" and"the green water in the tianhe river shows the nine lotus flowers", and changedthe name of jiuzi to jiuhua. the main body of jiuhua mountain is composed ofgranite. due to the influence of structure, lithology and external force, it hasformed a magnificent and beautiful landscape with peaks as the main body, basinsand valleys, streams and springs interwoven. there are more than 70 famous peaksin jiuhua mountain, more than 30 peaks over 1000 meters, and the highest shiwangpeak is 1342 meters above sea level. liu yuxi of the tang dynasty praised whenhe viewed the mountain: "the sight of a strange peak is breathtaking" and "he isa creature of nature". five streams in shanxi flow into liuquankou and into theyangtze river through wuxi river and jiuhua river; three streams in shannan andtwo streams in shandong flow into taiping lake through sanxi river and lingyangriver respectively. the mountains are full of ravines, ravines, pools, flowingsprings and waterfalls. "a wang wei painting by the river, a poem written by libai for thousands of years.". jiuhua mountain is a fresh and natural landscapepainting. jiuhua mountain is full of sceneries, which change step by step. inqing dynasty, there are "ten sceneries of jiuhua". after opening to the outsideworld, eight new scenic spots and more than 100 new scenic spots have beenopened up. the new and old scenic spots complement each other, and the naturalbeauty and cultural landscape blend with each other. in addition, the fourdistinct seasons, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, fog, snow, graupel, buddhalight and other celestial wonders make people forget to return.

2. dizang daochang, a famous buddhist mountain

jiuhua mountain is one of the four famous mountains of buddhism in famous tibetan bodhisattva daochang, whose founder is xinluoseng dizang. inthe 7th century, under the background of frequent exchanges between the tangdynasty and the korean peninsula, king qiaojue, the prince of silla, came tovisit famous mountains, zhuo xi jiuhua, and practiced hard for decades. afterhis death, he was regarded as the "spiritual manifestation" of the bodhisattvain dizang. because of his common surname jin, he was called jindizang. sincethen, jiuhua mountain has been established as a way of bodhisattva in tibet. inthe tang dynasty, there were more than 20 temples in jiuhua mountain, whichdeveloped to more than 40 in the song dynasty. in the ming dynasty, the maintemple, huacheng temple, became the total jungle with dozens of squatters. therewere more than 100 temples in the whole mountain, and the incense wasflourishing, which was "the top of southeast mountains". so jiuhua mountain,together with wutai, emei and putuo, is known as the four famous mountains ofchinese buddhism. in the qing dynasty, there were more than 150 temples injiuhuashan. from the total jungle huacheng temple, there were four big jungles:zhiyuan temple, dongya temple, baishuigong temple and ganlu temple. among thefour big foshan temples, it was famous for "the best incense in the world".after the opening to the outside world in the late 1970s, foshan, an ancientcity, was bathed in the sunrise of the flourishing age, with its vitalityreappeared and its old appearance revived. at present, there are more than 90monasteries, including 9 national key monasteries and 30 provincial keymonasteries, more than 600 monks, more than 10000 buddha statues and more than20__ buddhist cultural relics. temples are generally maintained, buddhistactivities are carried out normally, and foreign exchanges are frequent. mountjiuhua buddhism keeps friendly exchanges with buddhist groups in japan, southkorea, singapore, malaysia, the united states, thailand, hong kong and baodao,and more than 100 monks have visited abroad. in today's buddhist monasteries inchina, jiuhua mountain is widely praised for its profound buddhist culture,international buddhist taste, and integration of monks and customs. it hasbecome a distinctive and influential buddhist holy land.

3. it has a long history and famous culture

the combination of religious culture and landscape culture and a largenumber of historical and cultural activities make jiuhua mountain a famouscultural mountain with a long history and rich accumulation. more than 20__years ago, taoists stopped at jiuhua mountain, and jiuhua is called "thirty-nineblessed places" in the book of "a study of blessed places". up to now, there aremore than 20 sites of taoist activities and taoist temples. in 401, the fifthyear of long'an in the eastern jin dynasty, tianzhu monk beidu founded maoan injiuhua, and buddhism began to spread to jiuhua mountain. in the tang dynasty,the new buddhist monk established the dizang daochang, which was "a magnificentplace with great splendor"; in the ming dynasty, it became one of the fourfamous mountains of buddhism in china, which lasted for a long time. taoism andbuddhism make jiuhua mountain famous and attract numerous celebrities and li bai, many scholars came one after another. they lived in seclusion injiuhua and wrote books. they created books: gathering people to give went out to study and visit taoism. they expressed their love for mountainsand rivers and wrote poems and paintings. there are more than 20 book sites injiuhua mountain, such as taibai book hall, yangming book and ganquan mountain is also the hometown of folk songs. there are more than 300children's songs, labor songs and ritual songs, many of which have buddhistcolor and vividly express the thoughts, feelings and life interests of theworking people. the imperial court of the past dynasties also attached greatimportance to jiuhua. the emperor of the ming dynasty issued imperial edicts andsilver grants. the emperor kangxi and emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty wrote"jiuhua holy land" and "fantuo pujiao". more than 50 temples in jiuhua mountainwere granted by the imperial court. a large number of historical and culturalactivities have left a wealth of historical relics. there are more than 20__historical relics in jiuhua mountain, including nearly 100 precious opening to the outside world, we attached great importance to thedevelopment of cultural resources, made great efforts to excavate and sort outbuddhist culture, established "jindizang research association" and buddhistculture research association, founded buddhist academy, and set up culturalrelics museum. cultural resources were initially developed and had a wideinfluence at home and abroad. the culture of confucianism, buddhism and taoism,ghost culture, architecture culture, stone carving culture, folk culture, foodculture, tea culture and body culture are amazing. jiuhua mountain is a famouscultural mountain with profound cultural heritage.



























游九华山,首先到九华街,这里海拔 600多米,是九华山的中心,寺庙也主要集中在这里,因此有“莲花佛国”之称。这里实际上是一个山上的村镇,除了庙宇外,还有商店、学校、旅店、农舍,游人可以在这里住宿,并以此为起点,游览山上的名胜。

九华街上的化城寺,是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,也是九华山的主寺,寺的建筑依山势布局,反映了高超的 建筑设计艺术。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约20xx斤的古钟,铸造精美,声音洪亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱 俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。

从九华街往东走不远,有一建在悬崖上的殿堂,就是著名的“百岁宫”。其匾额上书有“钦赐百岁宫,护国万年寺”十个金字。据说,在明朝万历年间,有个叫无暇的和尚,26岁来到九华山,在一个人迹罕至的山洞里苦修了120xx年。死后3年,人们才在洞中发现他的肉身。山上和尚认为他是活 佛转世,遂将尸体装金供奉。明崇祯皇帝知道后封他为“应身菩萨”。于是供奉他的小庙香火日旺,寺庙扩展,成为九华山四大丛林之一。游人可以在寺里的肉身殿看到这具头戴僧帽,身披红色袈裟,端坐莲台之上的无暇和尚的装金肉身。
















i am very happy to have you here today. at the same time, i hope my servicecan satisfy you. standing next to me is master wang, the driver of our wang has more than ten years of driving experience. i'm very skilled indriving. you can give us two hearts, rest assured to our master wang, happy tome, let's share this journey together.

members of the group, our tour bus is driving on the foguang avenue intothe mountain. as it will take a long time from here to jiuhua street, i'd liketo introduce jiuhua mountain to you first. jiuhua mountain is mainly located inchizhou city and qingyang county. it is an important scenic spot in the north oftwo mountains and one lake in anhui province. the area of the scenic spot is 120square kilometers. jiuhua mountain covers 174 square kilometers and is now anational 5a scenic spot. a national civilized tourist area. one of the fourfamous buddhist mountains in china. it is known as an international buddhistdojo.

jiuhua mountain in anhui province has a beautiful scenery. in the southerndynasties, the mountain was higher than the clouds, and there were nine of called it jiuzi mountain. li bai, a great poet of the tang dynasty,visited jiuhua mountain, saw the lotus flowers on the nine peaks, and wrote"there are two wonderful things, and lingshan opens jiuhua." it's a beautifulpoem. jiuhua mountain is a famous granite mountain. its main peak, shiwang peak,is 1342 meters above sea level. it is a beautiful place in jiuhua mountain.

anhui jiuhua mountain is one of the four famous buddhist mountains inchina. together with putuo mountain, emei mountain and wutai mountain, they arecalled the four famous buddhist mountains in china. in the 7th century a.d., theprince of silla sailed to the east and visited famous mountains. finally, hechose jiuhua mountain and practiced hard for decades. after his death, his bodywas not rotten. people thought that jin qiaojue was the incarnation of thebodhisattva of the king of tibet. from then on, jiuhua mountain was regarded asthe taoist temple of the bodhisattva of the king of tibet. from then on, theking of tibetans was also called jintibetans.

ok, now our tour bus has arrived at the entrance of jiuhua street. pleasetake your belongings and get ready to get off to enter the scenic spot.

ladies and gentlemen, what we are presented with is a height of 9 metersand a span of 8 meters. do you know who wrote the word "jiuhua shengjing" on thebanner of the 5-meter jiuhua shengjing gate? yes, it was written by emperorkangxi. through the gate square, is there an extraordinary feeling of enteringthe holy land?

now, my friends, we come to the earliest palace temple in jiuhua mountain,namely, the zhiyuan temple. zhiyuan temple is now a national key temple and theonly descendant jungle temple in jiuhua mountain. it is a typical compositebuilding. its mountain gate deviates from the central axis of the main hall. theexternal mountain gate is not the carelessness of the construction, but theattention. it is said that one is to avoid evil, and the other is to facekaishanzu temple and huacheng temple. moreover, on the front wall of zhiyuantemple, there is a big word "taishan shigandang" which is very eye-catching. itis said that it is also for avoiding evil spirits and suppressing demons, whichis unique to zhiyuan temple.

the dharma of zhiyuan temple is solemn and complete, which is the best ofall. there are statues of maitreya, four heavenly kings, bodhisattva weituo andeighteen arhats in the temple. among them, the most solemn one is the 12 meterhigh pharmacist buddha, amitabha buddha and sakyamuni buddha. the statues ofbuddha, bodhisattva and arhat in the temple are arranged in a standard way withexquisite workmanship and vivid images.

zhiyuan temple was built in the ming dynasty, ranking first among the fourjungles in jiuhua mountain. the jiuhua mountain buddhist association has heldmany large-scale preaching, preaching and praying for peace and disaster reliefdharma meetings here. now it holds more than 1000 buddhist activities such aswaterway dharma meeting and yankou every year. it is one of the buddhistactivity centers in the whole mountain.

now we come to huacheng temple. huacheng temple is the first temple injiuhua mountain. now it is a national key temple, and it was turned into amuseum of historical relics in the late 1970s. the exhibition is divided intotwo parts: the first part shows the life story of jin dizang; the second partshows precious historical relics. some of the scriptures are the treasures ofthe temple.

there is a release pool in front of the temple. it is said that it was dugby jin dizang when he led his disciples to build huacheng temple. in front ofthe pool is huacheng square, on which there is an empress tower in memory ofjindizang's mother.

the next thing we are going to do is go to zen hall. shangchan hall islocated on the hillside in the south of shenguang lingnan, which is a nationalkey protected temple. shangchan hall has three characteristics: the mostpeaceful incense, the best scenery and the most beautiful temple. the tv seriesjourney to the west was filmed here.

after visiting shangchan temple, now we come to the most wonderful bodyhall. the body hall, also known as "dicang tomb", was built in the first year ofzhenguan of tang dynasty. it was originally a three-story stone pagoda. theburied body was jindicang body, so it is commonly known as the body e there was golden light in the base of the pagoda, later generationsnamed it shenguang mountain. the characteristics of the hall of flesh can besummarized as "there are towers in the hall, tanks in the towers, and flesh inthe tanks." please follow me into the hall. please look at the 16 gold words onthe banner over there, "all living beings are exhausted, and bodhi is is empty, and i swear not to become a buddha." it's the vow of bodhisattvadizang. in fact, the bodhisattva of tibet could have become a buddha, but he iswilling to go to the most miserable hell of the six samsara to spread all livingbeings. if the hell is not empty, he will not become a buddha. before the birthof maitreya buddha in the future, he undertakes the important task of universalsalvation. the body hall is the symbol of jiuhua mountain. every time there is adharma meeting in tibet, there is a sea of people and it is unprecedented.

attention, everyone. we are going to take the cable car to the centenarypalace. please pay attention to your safety and line up orderly.

now we are in the centenary palace. baishuigong, also known as baishuian,is now a key national temple dedicated to the body of monk haiyu. on thebuilding, the terrain of high in the south and low in the north is used to forma five storey horse passage. the temple is integrated with the surroundingpeaks, stones and caves, and the temple is combined with the mountain. thecentenary palace is the representative of jiuhuashan ancient temple, which iswell received by chinese and foreign tourists.

dear tourists, today's tour of jiuhua street scenic spot is over. thank youfor your support and cooperation. please forgive me for the poor service.


jiuhua mountain, located in qingyang county, south anhui province, is oneof the four famous buddhist mountains in china. liu yuxi, a writer of the tangdynasty, praised jiuhua mountain after climbing it. he thought that the famousmountains in the world could not compete with jiuhua mountain. li bai went tomount jiuhua three times. jiuhua mountain is characterized by beautifulmountains and numerous buddhist temples.

as early as the eastern jin dynasty (401), temples began to be built on themountain. later, they were added and expanded to form "one small temple in threeli, one big temple in five li". the temples spread all over the mountain. it issaid that there were more than 300 temples with 4500 monks in the prosperousperiod. at present, there are still 50 or 60 intact temples.

when you visit jiuhua mountain, you first go to jiuhua street, which ismore than 600 meters above sea level. it is the center of jiuhua mountain, andtemples are mainly concentrated here, so it is called "lotus buddha kingdom".this is actually a village on the mountain. besides temples, there are shops,schools, hotels and farmhouses. visitors can stay here and take it as a startingpoint to visit the scenic spots on the mountain.

huacheng temple on jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of jindynasty in jiuhua mountain. it is also the main temple of jiuhua mountain. thearchitecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation,reflecting the superb art of architectural design. in the temple, there is anancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20__ jin. it isexquisitely cast and has a loud voice. it is struck with a mallet. the solemnand clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes peoplefeel extraordinarily refined. "huacheng evening clock" has become one of the"jiuhua ten sceneries".

not far from the east of jiuhua street, there is a hall built on the cliff,which is the famous "centenary palace". on the plaque, there are ten goldcharacters: "imperial grant to the centenary palace, protect the country wanniantemple". it is said that in the wanli period of the ming dynasty, there was amonk named wuxu. at the age of 26, he came to jiuhua mountain and spent 100years in a rare cave. three years after his death, his body was found in thecave. the monk on the mountain thought that he was reincarnated, so he offeredhis body in gold. emperor chongzhen of the ming dynasty granted him the title of"yingshen bodhisattva". as a result, the small temple dedicated to himflourished, and the temple expanded to become one of the four jungles in jiuhuamountain. visitors can see the golden body of the flawless monk in the temple'sbody hall, wearing a monk's hat and red cassock, sitting on the lotus stand.

jiuhua scenery is on the roof. tiantai peak is the main peak of jiuhuamountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 meters. there is a saying that "ifyou don't get on the roof, you don't come.". from the rooftop of jiuhua street,about 15 huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic spots. when youare out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of youwill make you open-minded and tired. all around the mountains crawling, lookingat jiuhua street, only palm so big. looking from afar, heaven and earth areintegrated, and the yangtze river is indistinctly visible. the clear mountainwind brings waves of pines and bamboos, which makes people intoxicated. thesurrounding rocks are strange in shape and mostly dark. there is a huge stoneengraved with the word "non human". at this moment, it really makes people feellike they are in the fairyland of penglai. it is said that watching the sunriseon the rooftop is no less magnificent than watching the sunrise on mount ore, "tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the "ten sceneries ofjiuhua".

jiuhua mountain is a fascinating lotus kingdom. it is characterized bysplendid buddhist culture and wonderful natural landscape. it is a national keyscenic spot of mountain type for sightseeing, viewing and carrying outscientific and cultural activities. since the reform and opening up, foshan, anancient city, has bathed in the sunrise of the flourishing age, with newappearance and vitality. now it is a national aaaa tourist area and a nationalcivilized scenic spot demonstration site. jiuhua mountain is located in thesoutheast of chizhou city. it is the brand of chizhou tourism, the pride ofchizhou people, and a bright pearl in the scenic spot of "two mountains and onelake" in anhui province. in order to make the famous mountain more beautiful andmore advanced in international tourism, the management committee of jiuhuamountain scenic area has guided and organized relevant departments to compilethis book. the comrades of the jiuhua mountain buddhist culture researchassociation, especially some veteran comrades, retired and worked hard tocomplete the compilation task in a very short time. this kind of spirit is veryvaluable. i sincerely respect them. this book is informative, rich in content,lively in form and rich in pictures and texts. it is accurate, vivid,scientific, knowledgeable and interesting. it is suitable for tour guides tolearn and use, and can also be read and appreciated by tourists. i believe thatthe publication of this book will bring you into the realm of jiuhuashanculture, which is profound, long-standing and wonderful. i have worked inchizhou for many years and deeply love jiuhua mountain. i would like to extendmy heartfelt congratulations on the publication of this book.

"the god of jiuhua" is the feeling left by yan zhen, a contemporary poet,when he revisited jiuhua mountain in july this year. the long history ofbuddhism, beautiful natural scenery, mysterious physical phenomenon and peculiarregional culture have made the famous mountains colorful and charming.

tour guide words and scenic spots of famous mountains are just like thefinishing touch of dragon painting. in the face of such a famous mountain asjiuhua mountain, a good tour guide word can help you listen to its historicalecho, trace its cultural origin, and listen to its wonderful legends; it canlead you to visit the traces of celebrities, appreciate the profundity ofbuddhism, and feel the legend of the flesh. in a word, a good tour guide is likea window and a bridge. through it, you can enhance your pleasure and guide youinto jiuhua mountain for sightseeing and exploration.

however, for a long time, there have been many kinds of tour guide words injiuhua mountain, and sometimes there are several different versions of the samescenic spot, which makes tourists and pilgrims confused. what's more, thehistorical anecdotes of jiuhua mountain were picked up at random, so as toinfluence the image of jiuhua mountain. two years ago, at the beginning of mywork in jiuhua mountain, director gao weiqing of the provincial tourismadministration asked me to organize the compilation of a standardized tourguide. with the strong support of all walks of life, several comrades of thejiuhua mountain buddhist culture research association, especially the retiredold comrades, worked hard and kept on writing, which finally made the jiuhuamountain tour guide come out. here, i would like to express my deep gratitude toall the authors.

jiuhuashan tour guide's speech is about 140000 words. it is well quoted andfull of historical materials. it is not only subtle but also easy to the same time, it imitates tour guide. it is catchy and fascinating. itintegrates knowledge, interest and practicality. it is an innovative work. it isbelieved that the publication of this book can rectify the source, eliminate theturnip and save the turnip. it will promote the unification and standardizationof jiuhuashan tour guide's explanation, and play a role in strengtheningjiuhuashan's external publicity and enhancing its influence.

jiuhua culture has a long history, broad and profound, which can not besummarized by a tour guide. it needs to be explored and sorted out by the zing the compilation of tour guide words is an attempt in the culturalconstruction of scenic spots. it is inevitable that there are omissions. wewelcome your advice.

friends: i'm the tour guide of jiuhuashan (__) travel agency. welcome toanhui jiuhuashan.











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